We are bloodsugarmagic
Your easy entry into Europe's most promising IT markets

I was so disappointed working with traditional PR agencies in IT that I founded my own one.
Unlike any other PR agency
Likely, you have never worked with a PR firm like bloodsugarmagic before since we are different from traditional PR agencies in many ways. That is because our founder Bernd was in your situation many years ago. As a CMO of a large European IT company, he worked with many traditional PR companies and was mainly disappointed. A lack of deep IT knowledge made it hard for the agencies to create compelling content or suggest better messaging. The amount of briefing needed was too much to scale up or react fast. He often felt overpaying with a high monthly retainer and little outcome.
bloodsugarmagic was born with four key differentiators that directly translate into your benefits, making PR a matchwinner for your company.
Deep Technology Expertise
What makes us different?
We provide a unique combination of PR and marketing know-how with deep technology expertise. We have computer scientists as editors that aim to understand your products and services to the same level of detail as IT decision-makers of your customers.
What is in for you?
Much less briefing from you is required since we understand your products and services and how they work. We get more things done and provide great story drafts where other agencies would still wait for the briefing.
Focus on IT Companies
What makes us different?
We solely work for ISVs and Cloud Service Providers and have known the IT industry for 30 years. We truly understand your business in detail.
What is in for you?
In addition to all the great PR work, you get a free coach and sparring partner for your ideas. You gain access to our excellent network in the industry, with analysts and the media.
Strong Positioning Skills
What makes us different?
We are excellent at developing a unique positioning and differentiation based on our specific method. Combined with great storytelling, this leads to unique stories that stick.
What is in for you?
We provide feedback on your messaging and help you consistently evolve your positioning regarding new trends and market opportunities.
Success-based Compensation
What makes us different?
We provide a success-based, pay-as-you-grow fee model instead of the common monthly retainer model. You pay a fixed price for every asset you get – release by release, article by article, case study by case study, etc.
What is in for you?
Best in industry value for money and the ability to start even with a tight budget. You also enjoy piece of mind since you can be sure not to overspend on inflexible retainers.
Meet the team
We are a small, dedicated team, making it easy to work with us.
Bernd Hoeck
Bernd is both a nerdy IT enthusiast as well as a great storyteller. He has been working on the interface of IT tech, marketing, and sales for over three decades, defining unique positionings and powerful messages that are made to stick. Bernd is a highly respected strategy consultant, speaker, and thought leader in IT marketing. He earned an MSc in System Design (Manchester, UK), a Diplom in Computer Science (Dortmund, Germany), and attended London Business School for Executive Education in Business and Strategy. He is based in Germany.
Gabriele Hoeck
Gabriele is driven by numbers and results. She is responsible for finance at bloodsugarmagic and is also working as an editor. She worked as head of controlling and investor relations manager with IT companies and financial institutions. Gabriele holds a BA in European Finance and Accounting from Leeds (UK) and Bremen (Germany). She is based in Germany.
Nora Hoffmann
Nora is the soul of texting at bloodsugarmagic. Her editorial skills are companioned by a user-centric approach to systems and processes. She worked as an editor for a major German newspaper and for the Karlsruhe University for Applied Sciences. She holds a Master degree in communication, media studies, literature, and German language from universities in Leipzig (Germany) and Ottawa (Canada). She is based in Germany.
Zoe Lehmann
Zoe works her marketing magic and is our link to the UK. She brings a wealth of experience in marketing - particularly in digital campaigns, multi-channel, and e-commerce - from a wide range of industries. She has worked for well-known companies such as Kingfisher, Virgin, Dolby, and Mobility Operations. She has been very successful with her company, Lehmann Marketing, for over 12 years and supports various clients with efficient marketing services. As a native speaker, she ensures perfect texts in English. She lives in Bristol, UK.
A name as a promise
Second, you need something tasty for the audience. Thus, sugar might be a good thought. Any story needs something easy to consume and valuable for the listeners. Otherwise, it will not stick.
Now that you have heard that story of our mind-puzzling name, it is unlikely that you will ever forget us. In addition, you have experienced how we work. We create stories for our customers that their target audience will remember.
If you want to hear the second version of the origin of our name, give us a call, and we will tell you. One hint: It has to do with music. ;-)
Accolades & Memberships
We are a valued member of the IT community in Germany and engage with leading influencers on various levels.

bloodsugarmagic GmbH & Co. KG
Gerberstr. 63
78050 Villingen-Schwenningen
(or anywhere else you want us to be)